Message from our co-founder and CEO

We distinguish ourselves as a unique data science company driven by a deep conviction in the significance of comprehending each individual's distinct needs and living circumstances that impact their health and quality of life. Acknowledging the intricate nature of the human body, influenced by a blend of behavioral, environmental, and genetic factors leading to a diverse set of health issues, we illuminate its functioning and deliver precise insights for more effective disease management and to ensure the highest level of operational precision across all stakeholders impacting the continuum of care.

Our mission is to provide unparalleled transparency into each person's unique situation, striving for the utmost accuracy in our approach to offer actionable insights that optimize care and outcomes for every individual.

Our seasoned healthcare operators, clinicians, and top-tier data scientists harness their extensive real-world clinical expertise and advanced machine-learning capabilities to confront the foremost challenges in patient health. Unlike simply offering solutions and stepping back, our team actively engages and collaborates closely with clients to prioritize comprehending and tackling their distinctive challenges, committed to ensuring their success by delivering actionable, proven solutions to enable real change.

We strongly advocate against perpetuating a "zero-sum game" mentality, where success hinges on winners taking from losers. Instead, we focus on positively transforming healthcare delivery, ensuring our approach benefits all parties involved.

We welcome your interest in our company.

Gary S. Velasquez

Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Cogitativo, Inc.

Have a question?

Call us :

(510) 761-7420

Address :

1608 Fourth St, Berkeley, CA 94710